Ketts Park Annual Woodland Management

Posted 23/09/2024 : By: Trevor Gurney

 Ketts Park Annual Woodland Management


Since 2018 the Norwich Fringe Countryside Management Project, working in partnership with Wymondham Town Council and volunteers from Greening Wymondham, has been managing Ketts Park Woodland.


The aim of the work has been to improve the woodland for biodiversity, through getting light to the woodland floor and creating an age structure to the woodland. This has improved both flora and fauna. Other work has included the hard surface path through the woodland and managing the wildflower glades.


This autumn 2024 and winter 2025 we will be concentrating our work on the woodland belt behind the residential properties at the rear of The Loke, Gate Keeper and Burdock Close.


The work will include coppicing and pollarding hazel, willow and lime trees and thinning out the other trees.


Depending on weather conditions (which way the wind is blowing) we may have a small bonfire to burn up the brash, if this is not possible then we will be using a tracked chipper to chip the brash to use on the path through the woodland.


We are always looking for volunteers to get involved and will be working on these following Tuesday’s meeting at the entrance to Ketts Park of Burdock Close at 09:30am 

11th February & 11th March 2025


Kind regards


Matthew Davies Norwich Fringe Project Officer