CCTV Policy
The following policy and procedure has been written by Wymondham Town Council as it has in place, and may further develop, a CCTV surveillance system within public open spaces. The system consists of several fixed cameras located at strategic points of open spaces and buildings. Images are recorded. This policy covers the use of CCTV equipment and the gathering, storage, use and disposal of visual data and is subject to the guidance given in the Code of Practice issued by the Information Commissioners Office; ‘In the Picture: A Data Protection Code of Practice for Surveillance Cameras and Personal Information’.
Objectives and Purpose of the System
The system has been installed by Wymondham Town Council with the primary purposes of public safety, assisting in the detection and deterring of crime (including enviro crime), assisting in the detection and deterring of anti-social behaviour, the monitoring and protection of Town Council property and assets.
No camera will be hidden from view and will be prevented from directly focussing upon frontages or rear areas of private accommodation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure maximum effectiveness of the system, it is not possible to guarantee that the system will detect every incident taking place within the area of coverage.
The system will not be used for any other purpose than those set out in this policy document without the prior permission of the Town Clerk and the Chairman of the Council. Any non-routine use of the CCTV system will require the approval of both the Town Clerk and the Chairman of the Council.
CCTV cameras will not be used to monitor the progress of staff or other individuals during the normal course of their business activity nor will managers be permitted to use the cameras to observe staff working practices or time keeping in order to assist them in the day-to-day management of personnel.
[1]Covert Recording
Covert cameras may be used under the following circumstances, after legal advice has been taken and on the authorisation of both the Town Clerk and the Chairman:
- when informing the individual(s) concerned that recording was taking place would seriously prejudice the objective of making the recording; and
- when there is reasonable cause to suspect that unauthorised or illegal activity is taking place or is about to take place.
Covert Recording will only be undertaken in accordance with the Code of Practice; ‘In the
Picture: A Data Protection Code of Practice for Surveillance Cameras and Personal
The Town Council has the overall responsibility for ensuring that the installed CCTV system is
‘fit for purpose’ and for authorising any further system development.
The Town Clerk is responsible for day to day operational aspects of the system, for authorising users and for ensuring that only authorised users access the system.
The Town Clerk is responsible for ensuring that all authorised users are kept up to date on legislation and changes in the Town Council’s procedures. The Clerk will routinely review the Council’s CCTV policy and will maintain on file, all necessary documents relating to the Council’s CCTV system.
Authorised users are responsible for operating the system in accordance with the requirements set out in current legislation, this policy and any Town Council approved procedure that may be in place.
Viewing Images and the Provision of Evidence
Viewings shall only be undertaken for a specific, legitimate purpose. Casual viewing of recorded images is not permitted.
Viewings may be undertaken only by authorised users including authorised Town Council staff and enforcement agencies such as the police.
Enforcement agencies such as the police have a legal right to access and retain recordings (and other relevant evidence) when investigating crime, including anti-social behaviour. Other requests for CCTV recorded evidence may be made directly to the Town Clerk by prosecution agencies, relevant legal representatives, insurance companies investigating claims and emergency services investigating accidents.
Te disclosure or release of recorded material will be controlled by the Town Clerk and only be made to third parties in strict accordance with the purposes of the system. The Town Clerk is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Data Protection Act and for ensuring that recorded personal imaging and personal information not relevant to the disclosure request is obscured.
Third party agencies requesting the disclosure or release of recorded material are responsible for all costs associated with the provision of such material including any required image blurring. The Town Council may require payment of the associated costs prior to material being released.
In requesting the disclosure or release of recorded material from the Town Council, the requesting agency accepts full responsibility for the security and management of such material and any liability issues arising from the use of such material. The Town Council shall not be liable regarding any matter arising from the security, management or use of an authorised disclosure or release of recorded material to a third party agency.
All images shall remain the property and copyright of Wymondham Town Council.
CCTV Recordings and Security
All staff required to operate CCTV equipment are to receive training in the use of the equipment and shall comply with this Policy and any CCTV operating procedure adopted by the Council.
CCTV recorded images shall be routinely retained for a period of one month and thereafter deleted, with the exception of images subject to a notification by the police for retention or subject to a request for disclosure or release by a third party agency. Recorded images subject to a notification by the police or subject to a request by a third party agency shall be retained for such a period as may be necessary to conclude an investigation or claim and then be deleted.
CCTV recorded material retained by the Town Council shall be kept secure to prevent damage and maintain the confidentiality of the subject matter.
Recorded material will not be sold nor used for commercial purposes nor will it be used in conjunction with any form of social media.
Recording equipment and recording media will be kept in a secure place and only authorised access to such equipment and media will be permitted.
Policy Review
This policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure that it is relevant to working practice.