
Please note that all meetings are on a Tuesday evening unless otherwise stated. Members of the public are permitted to attend any of the meetings listed below, there is also a permitted time for residents questions during which time residents can address the Council on any items on the agenda. All meeting times are preliminary and subject to change.Please contact the Clerk to the Council on 01953 603302 for further details. Agendas and minutes can also be viewed at the Council’s offices.

Wymondham Town Council Meeting Dates 2024

January 9 - Planning Lighting and Highways

January 9 - Town Council

January 16 - Planning Lighting and Highways

January 16 - Leisure Environment Enterprise and Tourism

February 6 - Planning Lighting and Highways - Cancelled

February 6 - Town Council

February 20 - Planning Lighting & Highways

February 20 - Finance & General Purposes 

March 5 - Planning Lighting and Highways

March 5 - Town Council

March 19 - Planning Lighting and Highways

March 19 - Leisure Environment Enterprise and Tourism - CANCELLED

April 2 - Planning Lighting & Highways

April 2 - Town Council

April 16 - Planning Lighting & Highways

April 16 - Finance & General Purposes

April 23 - Annual Parish Meeting*

May 7 - Planning Lighting & Highways

May 7 - Town Council - AGM**

May 21 - Planning Lighting & Highways

May 21 - Leisure Environment Enterprise & Tourism

May 23 - Finance & General Purposes

June 4 - Planning Lighting & Highways - CANCELLED

June 4 - Town Council

June 18 - Planning Lighting & Highways

June 18 - Finance & General Purposes - CANCELLED

July 2 - Planning Lighting & Highways

July 2 - Town Council

July 16 - Planning Lighting & Highways

July 16 - Leisure Environment Enterprise & Tourism Committee

August 6 - Planning Lighting & Highways

August 6 - Town Council

August 20 - Planning Lighting & Highways

August 20 - Finance & General Purposes

September 3 - Planning Lighting & Highways

September 3 - Town Council

September 17 - Planning Lighting & Highways

September 17 - Leisure Environment Enterprise & Tourism Committee

October 1 - Planning Lighting & Highways

October 1 - Town Council

October 15 - Planning Lighting & Highways

October 15 - Finance & General Purposes

November 5 - Planning Lighting & Highways

November 5 - Town Council

November 19 - Planning Lighting & Highways

November 19 - Leisure Environment Enterprise & Tourism Committee

December 3 - Planning Lighting & Highways

December 3 - Town Council

December 17 - Planning Lighting & Highways

December 17 - Finance & General Purposes

Town Council Offices Closed -  Bank Holidays 29th March & 1st April, 6th, & 27th May, 26th August 2024

                                             25th to 31st December 2024 inclusive, & 1st January 2025. 

* Meeting of Parish electorate

** Election of Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Committees