Meeting Room Booking Form

The Town Council will consider requests in respect of hiring rooms in the council offices situated at Ketts Park.

Meeting Room

We have a small meeting room which will accommodate a maximum of ten people which can be hired at a current rate of £18 per hour (£15 per hour + VAT.)

Small community groups or local charities, who are based in Wymondham and who do not pay for an existing room, can use this small meeting room (if available) free of charge.


We also have main room/Chamber which will accommodate a maximum of fifty people for meetings. This room can be hired at a current rate of £36 per hour(£30 per hour + VAT). Facilities in this room includes a hearing loop, public address system.and WiFi.


Please contact us on 01953 603302 or email and we will advise if the room is avaiable, confirm the fees and will send you a booking form.

Small Groups Meeting Reservation Request V1.docx