Filming at Council Meetings
The recording, filming and reporting of all public meetings is permitted.
Meetings or parts of meetings from which the press and public are excluded may not be filmed or recorded.
Members of the public and press are permitted to film or record meetings to which they are permitted access in a non-disruptive manner and only from areas designated for the public. No prior permission is required, however the Chairman at the beginning of the meeting will ask if anyone present wishes to record proceedings. We will ensure that reasonable facilities are made available to the public and press to assist filming or recording of meetings.
The use of digital and social media recording tools, for example Twitter, blogging or audio recording is allowed as long as it is carried out in a non-disruptive manner.
What is disruptive behaviour? Essentially, this could be any action or activity which disrupts the conduct of meetings or impedes other members of the public being able to see, hear or film etc the proceedings. Examples can include:
• moving to areas outside the areas designated for the public without the consent of the Chairman,
• excessive noise in recording or setting up or re-siting equipment during the debate/discussion,
• intrusive lighting and use of flash photography; and
• asking for people to repeat statements for the purposes of recording.
The Chairman of the meeting, or any such Council representative as designated by the Chairman, has the capacity to stop a meeting and take appropriate action if any person contravenes these principles or is deemed to be filming or recording in a disruptive manner.
In order to safeguard children, the vulnerable and individuals who do not wish to be filmed, we will ensure that space is provided where individuals cannot be filmed. In addition, we ask that the filming or recording of members of the public is kept to a minimum and focuses on those making representations to the meeting.
Any person or organisation choosing to film, record or broadcast any meeting of the Council, or committees is responsible for any claims or other liability resulting from them so doing and by choosing to film, record or broadcast proceedings they accept that they are required to indemnify the Council, its members and officers in relation to any such claims or liabilities.
The Council will display the requirements as to filming, recording and broadcasting at its meeting venues and those undertaking these activities will be deemed to have accepted them whether they have read them or not.
The Council will publish the guidance on the filming, recording and broadcasting of meetings on its website.