Post Office Hub consultation
The Post Office wants to let you know about a new service they're introducing which will be known as Norwich Road Drop & Collect Post Offi...
Letters to Heaven post Box
WYMONDHAM TOWN COUNCIL'S CEMETERY GETS A LETTERS TO HEAVEN POST BOX A new Letters to Heaven post box has been installed at the Wymond...
Anglian Water investment plans for Wymondham Water Recycling Centre
Press Release Anglian Water investment plans for Wymondham Water Recycling Centre Anglian Water is proposing investment and expansion plans...
Ketts Park Annual Woodland Management
Ketts Park Annual Woodland Management Since 2018 the Norwich Fringe Countryside Management Project, working in partnership with...
Sustainable Wymondham Website
In August 2023 WTC declared a climate emergency and gave its support to the formation of a new Community Interest Company (CIC) called Sustainable Wym...
Catholic Church Hall Hire
The Catholic Church of Our Lady & St Thomas of Canterbury, situated on Norwich road, Wymondham, is open daily for private prayer. The...
Abbey Hall Event Hire
Please see the following info for any Event Hire. The Abbey is available for events and can be hired by agreement. Please use the contact form here i...