
This area is intended to give anyone thinking of visiting Wymondham a quick whistle-stop tour of the town in pictures.

Probably the most iconic building in Wymondham is the Market Cross. Wymondham’s first Market Cross was probably a shaft -on-steps type, but we don’t know where it was situated. However, we do know that by the late 16th Century there was a Market Hall which was burnt down in 1615 and the present cross was roughly on the same site in 1617-1618 at a cost of £25 7s Od. The Market Cross is now used as the Tourist information Centre run by the Town Council.

Below is a map of Wymondham that has numbered arrows pointing out the main attractions of the town followed by a list giving the names of the numbered attractions.

By clicking on any name in the list a brief description of the attraction will appear together with several pictures of it.