Wymondham Town Council Installs Another Defibrillator

Posted 03/05/2024 : By: Trevor Gurney

Wymondham Town Council Installs Another Defibrillator


A third Town Council funded defibrillator has now been installed at Wymondham Fire Station on London Road.


Last year the Council took advantage of funding available to local councils which enabled the purchase of three defibrillators (defibs) at a reduced price.  The other two were installed at the Silfield Co-Op and Wymondham Garden Centre in February.


Cllr Nixon and Deputy Mayor Cllr Annette James worked together to research and identify sites for the Town Council’s three defibs.  Cllr Nixon suggested the Fire Station as a possible site for the final defib and, fortunately, she had a contact - Rosie Hudson-Church - she could call on to help liaise with the Fire Service to make the installation happen.  Both Cllrs were pleased to make an official visit to the Fire Station on 29th April to mark the installation of this third defib.  They were given a guided tour of the Station by Watch Manager Mike Draper, enjoyed exploring inside the fire engine, learning more about the vital work the Service does and meeting other retained on-call firefighters.


“We are grateful to the Town Clerk for spotting this funding opportunity and alerting us to it” commented Cllr James.  “The three latest installations bring the total number of defibs in Wymondham to over 20 and means the town has a good geographical spread of these life saving devices.


You can search for the locations of many of the 20+ Wymondham defibs at The Circuit - https://www.thecircuit.uk/  This is the national defibrillator network that provides NHS ambulance services with vital information about defibrillators across the UK so that in those crucial moments after a cardiac arrest, they can be accessed quickly to help save lives.

Photo caption:

L-R: Tom Diaper, Mike Draper, Cllr Lucy Nixon, Cllr Annette James and Richard Hermann

Cllrs James and Nixon enjoyed learning more about the fire engine.