Statutory local government elected body for the Parish of Wymondham Norfolk. The Town Council has a number of statutory duties and powers including the provision of recreation areas, play facilities, woodlands, wildlife sites, open spaces, allotments, markets, Tourist Information Centre and the Town Cemetery.
We also act as a link to South Norfolk District Council including being consultees in all planning applications relating to the Town and to Norfolk County Council for the reporting of faulty street lights and highways issues.
The Post Office wants to let you know about a new service they're introducing which will be known as Norwich Road Drop & Collect Post Offi...
WYMONDHAM TOWN COUNCIL'S CEMETERY GETS A LETTERS TO HEAVEN POST BOX A new Letters to Heaven post box has been installed at the Wymond...
Press Release Anglian Water investment plans for Wymondham Water Recycling Centre Anglian Water is proposing investment and expansion plans...